IntelliProtector Pricing & Subscriptions
You can download IntelliProtector client from here – this download will provide you with the user interface for software proteciton. IntelliProtector client is used to create IntelliProtector projects and protect software. Use IntelliProtector control panel to create license and renewal codes, manage users and computers.

IntelliProtector Paid Subscriptions
There are several levels of paid subscriptions which are based on volume levels – there is no difference in the level of protection provided, however the greater the number of subscriptions purchased then the greater the discount and free licensing keys IntelliProtector will provide.

Please be informed, to prevent fake registrations and make the service more robust and competitive we will close free sign-ups soon. You can review the current fee on the Registration page, usually we offer special offers or discounts (currently it is free).
Subscription plans
Subscription plan name
Resources from subscription
License codes (monthly)
Renewal codes (monthly)
Custom e-mail templates
Check for updates API
.Net obfuscator
Web API access
Max module size (Mb)
Protection schemes
Subscription plan price
It includes following free resources (monthly):
Resources come for free.
Extra resources price
Extra license code from
Extra renewal code from
7 license codes
7 renewal codes
20 license codes
20 renewal codes
40 license codes
40 renewal codes
unlimited license codes
unlimited renewal codes

You can upgrade/downgrade your subscription any time.
In case of use paid subscription we do not charge credit card monthly, we only send a notification when the subscription is expiring.
The free non-used codes are not collectable (are not rolled over to the next month), each month they are updating to their initial value according to current subscription.
Generate unlimited quantity of offline license codes!
In case if you do not want to pay for extra codes each time you need them you can purchase Offline Codes Generator and generate unlimited quantity of offline license codes. Currently there is special offer for this utility, it costs just $50.

Protect your intellectual property today with IntelliProtector!
IntelliProtector provides strong code encryption protection which stops reverse engineering of your intellectual property. You can now easily and cost-effectively protect your software and revenue streams with one simple solution from IntelliProtector.

IntelliProtector provides shareware and software developers with ability to enforce the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) against sophisticated pirates and counterfeiters, as well as against casual copiers of software. IntelliProtector will protect your software no matter how it is distributed – Internet downloads are protected as is software distributed on hard storage media, such as CD-ROMS and DVD-ROMs.

IntelliProtector – start protecting your software today
IntelliProtector will increase your sales and profitability, as well as protect your brand identity and value from attack by software pirates. At the same time you can provide feature-restricted and time-restricted trials of your software by simply controlling how much of your product is encrypted. Any effort to access encrypted software features, or use of your software after the time limit has expired results in the user being taken automatically to your software sales page – boosting your revenues even further!

At last, software and shareware developers have a software security solution to protect their work and revenues.

Copyright 2006 - 2025 by IntelliProtector - Software Protection and Licensing Services