Web Panel Features
The Web control panel services are organized in a set of password-protected web pages. Using the panel, you can track the statistics of the codes, licenses, and resellers, generate software registration and renewal codes and watch over resellers activity.

The most important features of the Web panel are:
  1. Gathering projects statistics.
    The Homepage of the Web panel contains the most up-to-date information on your active software projects distribution:
    • the number of current activations i.e. the trial versions used
    • the number of current license and renewal orders i.e. the customer data attached to the sold licenses
    • the number of available generated license and renewal codes with respect to the orders and licenses
    • the number of usages or the number of computers where the software is currently installed under the specific license or renewal codes

  2. Generating software codes.
    The fast online license code generation can be performed on the License->Create page. Note that one license can contain several codes. Other generation options include:
    • License preset: the various settings for license generation such as:
      • license and support expire period
      • automated code blocking
      • computer limit
      • freeze period
      The specific license configuration can be saved and used later as a preset which significantly increases the efficiency of license generation.
    • Customer data
    • Product price to be paid

  3. Viewing and editing software licenses and orders.
    The license codes can be searched on the License->Codes page and displayed with respect to such parameters as creation date, associated project, corresponding reseller, license preset, etc.
    The respective customer data can be searched on the License->Orders page.
    The license and order information can be easily edited including the code validity period extension.

  4. Generating and viewing renewal codes.
    Renewal menu option allows you to perform similar code generation and viewing operations for the renewed license codes.

  5. Importing code database.
    Your external database of codes and orders can be easily imported into the Intelliprotector system on the License->Export page.
    The codes should be unique and contain 10…128 symbols.

  6. Code generation automation.
    You can make the software license distribution highly effective by using our automation service on the License->Automation page. The service allows you to create the multiple license generators using the predefined license preset configuration, specified payment service and location. The generator automatically sends the e-mail containing the license code to the customer through the payment service.

  7. Managing resellers.
    You can create new distributors of software in the Reseller section. The reseller is authorized to create and view the limited number of codes and restricted access to your protected projects. Also, the Web panel allows you to track the resellers’ statistics.

  8. Support for various types of license codes.
    Web panel supports a range of license codes for all software classes through trial to full licenses (Basic, Lite, Pro, etc). You can configure the license preset to conform to your market segmentation and perceived needs of your target users. Default license codes are “Full version”, but developers can set bespoke license classes as required. Read more about the license code types.

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