Web Control Panel
The IntelliProtector web-based control panel is an integral part of the IntelliProtector solution for software protection and license control. The easy-to-use web panel provides a convenient online interface for managing and automating your software license code generation and renewal, controlling the resellers and gathering the up-to-date project statistics. The control panel is a flexible tool that enhances the process of software monetization and distribution on a global scale. The most appealing feature of the IntelliProtector Web panel is the fast online generation of the software registration and renewal codes. This allows you to distribute and sell your software on-the-fly using any device supporting access to the Internet without the need to install the specific code generating software!

You can login to the test user account provided on our website in order to view the web panel interface. The Web panel is supported by the downloadable IntelliProtector Client – an all-in-one software licensing product that allows you to secure your software from unauthorized copying, pirated usage, and reverse engineering. The IntelliProtector Client and Web control panel are parts of the IntelliProtector software protection solution.

The basic features of the Web control panel are:
  1. Viewing project statistics.
  2. Generating and viewing the registration codes.
  3. Generating and viewing the renewal codes.
  4. Automation services for the code generation.
  5. Creating and giving rights to the product resellers.

Follow this link to read about the IntelliProtector Web panel features or read the How does it work page to know more about using the Web panel.

What's inside?
Use our demo account and take a look at all the features we have to offer:
  • Login: guest
  • Password: I@mNewGuest911
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