LicenseCodeInfo Object
The LicenseCodeInfo object contains parameters of a license code.

LicenseCodeInfo Parameters
Name Type Description
LicenseCode String License code
CodeId String License code id
DateCreated String Date of the license code
Status String Status of the license code. Possible values: Active, Blocked, Redemption, ToDestroy
IsTest Boolean Is it test code or not
UseFreeze Boolean Temporary block license code for 'FreezeLicenseDays' days after each new registration
FreezeLicenseDays Number Quantity of days for freeze feature
UseComputersRotation Boolean Use rotate hardware feature. Allows automatically change assigned computers for the license code
UseLicenseValidation Boolean Validate license code each 'LicenseValidationDays' days
LicenseValidationDays Number Quantity of days for license validation feature
WorkIfValidationBlocked Boolean Allow or deny the software usage if validation is blocked for some reasons, for example in a firewall
UseComputersLimit Boolean Use computers limit feature. Maximum computers quantity is set in the 'MaxComputers' property
MaxComputers Number Maximum computers quantity for the Computers limit feature

Example Response
    "LicenseCode": "IPRL-CHC7FH-HAEF7236-F443B96H-8FD5CAH2-L5-B388",
    "CodeId": "09ec83d3c5dae41192ae005056c00008",
    "DateCreated": "2015-04-04T12:27:00",
    "Status": "Active",
    "IsTest": true,
    "UseFreeze": false,
    "FreezeLicenseDays": 5,
    "UseComputersRotation": false,
    "UseLicenseValidation": false,
    "LicenseValidationDays": 30,
    "WorkIfValidationBlocked": false,
    "UseComputersLimit": false,
    "MaxComputers": 3
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