JavaScript functions

Protection engine is working with the pop-up windows via JavaScript functions.

There are following functions available:

ClickActivate() Activate software via direct internet connection or through the proxy server.
ClickClose() Close pop-up window.
ClickContinueTrial() Continue the trial period or close software if trial is expired.
ClickActivateFromFile() Activate software by activation file (activation by e-mail). Protection system will get file from the input element with ID="ActivationResponseFile".
ClickBrowseCertificate() Open the 'BrowseFile' dialog and put file to the input element with ID="ActivationResponseFile" or ID="RegistrationResponseFile".
ClickPurchase() Open the project's purchase link in the default web browser.
ClickRegisterFromFile() Register software by registration file (registration by e-mail). Protection system will get file from the input element with ID="RegistrationResponseFile"
ClickRegister() Register software via direct internet connection or through the proxy server.
ClickSaveCertificateRequest() Open the 'SaveFile' dialog and save activation or registration request certificate to the path specified.
ClickSupport() Open email if support email address is set in the Personal Information of the project or support web page in the default web browser.
IntelliProtectorWebSite() Open the IntelliProtector web site.
OnRegistrationShow(MinutesLeft) This function is called on show of registration window. It is used to display how many days are left before trial expires.
PasteCode() Paste the license code from clipboard to the input element with ID="LicenseCode".
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