Restores license order and its codes. The services sends them to the e-mail address which is present in the order.
This function is useful when the user forgot his code and asks it from the vendor.

Request Address

Request Parameters
Name Type Description
AccessInfo Object The AccessInfo object which contains access information
OrderNumber String Restore licenses by order number
Email String Restore licenses by user's e-mail address
* Required parameters are marked with bold font.

Example Request
  "Email": "",
  "AccessInfo": {
    "VendorId": "22222222222222222222222222222222",
    "WebApiKey": "33333333333333333333333333333333"

Example Response
  "ResponseDetails": {
    "ResponseStatus": "Success",
    "Message": "Success"

Response Parameters
Name Description
ResponseDetails The ResponseDetails object with the status of a Web API call
API Function Debugger
API function: Method: Protocol: Request link:
Request body:

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