Please review our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on this topic.
Which kind of programming languages and development environments are supported/required for the target application which should be protected with the licensing system?
At this time .Net is supported (C#, VB.Net). We develop support for C++, Delphi, Builder, VB6 right now and plan to release in this year. It will work from Delphi 6, VS2008, Builder 6
Which operating systems are required in order to use the protected application on customer’s side?
Windows 2000 or higher, Unix support is planned also.
- Which kind of applications or files can be protected?
We support .exe and .dll files.
- What technique will be used in order to establish the licensing service for the target application? Does the licensing system provide an API or SDK in order to handle the licensing management 'manually' in the source code of the target application?
Protection system works automatically without API and in 'manual' mode using API functions.
Each module which planned to be protected should contain our API inside. API contain bundle of classes and objects which operate with protection services.
- Is it possible to specify a time limited trial license the protected application comes with? E.g. a 30 day trial period without the need to install a license key or license file?
Yes, the service supports time limited and launch limited trials. During trial period the code is not required.
- Is it possible to specify individual license types, e.g. BASIC, PRO or PREMIUM licenses?
Yes, it is possible to have several license types and allow/deny some features depending from the license type.
- Is it possible to specify time limited and time unlimited license types? Is it possible to specify the expiration date of a time limited license by a specific date or/and by the number of days the license will be valid?
Yes, it is possible.
- Is it possible to parameterize a generated license
Yes, each license has own parameters and you can customize them during creation.
- Which kind of distributing channels can be used in order to transfer a generated license from the vendor to the customer?
License can be distributed via e-mail, site, etc.
- Is it possible to install a license manually on customer's side without access to the internet, so called 'Offline licensing'?
It is possible. This can be either 'offline' protection scheme or generic semi-online scheme (registration by e-mail). It is license code, but it is possible to use license file also.
- Is it possible to install a license on customer's computer via internet, so called 'Online licensing'?
Yes, it is possible. There are Online and Semi-Online protection schemes. Registration via internet. Online license we validate on each software launch, semi-online we validate during base operation such as registration, renew, periodic validation.
- How is it possible to uninstall a license on customer’s computer?
We generate so called 'Uninstall.exe' file which uninstall's the code. There is API also.
- Is it possible to uninstall a license manually on customer's side without access to the internet?
It is possible, but the hardware details will not be deleted (online, semi-online protection schemes) on our side, but it is not critical if a license is not limited by computers quantity.
- How can the vendor make sure, that the license was really uninstalled?
There is API which returns the status. (IsSoftwareRegistered).
- Is it possible to uninstall a license on customer's computer via internet?
It is possible via control panel. A user can contact the vendor and vendor will unbind user's computer from the license.
- If online licensing is supported, is it possible to add further customer data?
It is possible, each license has an order details which contains customer info, there is comments field, you can place additional info into the comments.
- Which kind of license binding is provided by the licensing system? Is it possible to bind a generated license to the hardware of the customer?
Yes, we support hardware binding.
- What happens if a hardware module of the target workstation will be changed after the license was installed?
If hardware source is changed/updated it will be decided as new computer. Binded computer details of the license can be updated by either customer (if the feature allowed) or by the software vendor.
- What happens if the user rights will be changed (administrator vs. standard user) after the license was installed?
It is depending from license model. If the code issued for a computer the data is saved into common place, if for the Windows user, the code details will be stored into his private folder. Anyway if access will be restricted the software will show a warning.
- Is it possible to install a license (bound to the hardware) once on a workstation for several Windows user accounts?
It is possible.
- Which kind of user rights (Administrator, Standard user, UAC) are required in order to use the protected application on the customer's computer? Are there special user rights needed to install/uninstall a license?
Special rights are not required.
- Does the licensing system provide concurrent licensing (aka floating licensing or network licensing) for the customer?
Currently it is not supported. Maybe we will implement it in future.
- In case 'Offline licensing' will be used, does the licensing service provide graphical feedback for the user (GUI) in order to install/uninstall a license and to identify the current license installed?
The service do not track 'offline' licenses because their goal is to be silent.
- If a GUI will be used, which languages does the GUI support? Is it possible for the vendor to specify custom translations?
The Client (protector) supports English language.
The customer's side (protected version) communicates with the user via pop-up windows with skins, these skins support any languages.
Default skin provides English and Russian languages and you can add personally additional languages.
- If a GUI will be used, is it possible to customize the GUI graphically, e.g. to establish the corporate design of the vendor?
Yes, it is possible.
- What kind of debugging options does the licensing service provide?
Protection in Debug mode (it shows warnings if something is incorrect).
- Is it possible to warn the user of the protected application in case the installed time limited license will expire in a specific time?
Yes, sure. Just use API.
- What happens if the protected application runs on a virtual machine or a terminal server? Is it possible to detect such environments and to handle the situation adequately?
We detect it, you can disable ability to launch protected software on the virtual machine.
- What happens if the system clock of the OS (the protected applications runs on) will be manipulated?
We check these manipulations.
- Are there any known issues regarding the usage of antivirus software solutions? Sometimes license protection systems will be recognized as virus attackers.
There was problems in v2.xx when we injected our protection engine directly. We periodically contacted antivirus companies and they whitelisted us. Anyway we decided to use new technique which injects our engine in two steps (because of that the support API classes are required even when API will not be used). In this case all antiviruses work fine without any warnings.
- What techniques are used to prevent the protected application form being cracked or decompiled?
We use obfuscation, we check module modification, password protection. Part of information is stored on our server (hardware info, trial info, computers quantity,..). Local information is stored in registry and in files. If some files will be deleted the protected software will start activation again and connect to the service and get required data from the service. (for example how many days left for trial period for this computer)
- Does the license activation management service provide an interface in order to connect the system to a third party CRM (customer relationship management) system, e.g. NetSuite?
It is possible to generate license codes outside.
- Is it possible to generate licenses automatically outside of the licensing system via a CRM system?
In short, it will be license generator link which can be called and received license code in response.
- Does the licensing system provide a CRM system to store the licensing information regarding additional customer information?
Currently we did not implement Web API, but it is planned for the next year.
- Which kind of support and upgrades does your company provide? Do you provide periodical upgrades?
As we constantly implement new features we provide periodical updates. Usually something get updated monthly or more frequently.
- Are the number of applications to protect, the number of licenses activations or the number of developers using the licensing system limited?
Not limited.
- Is it possible to handle the licensing process totally independent from the service?
It is depending on the license model.
Protection requires internet connection to the service.
Activation/registration processes (online, semi-online schemes) require connection to the service.
License restore can be done from the site. License generation can be done from the control panel or can be done by generator link, but connection is required.
But there is a way to stay totally independent from the service at all. Protect in offline mode, generate offline codes using generator.
- What does happen to the software licensing solution in case the manufacturer shuts down for some reason?
Semi-Online protection scheme connects to the service not every time. (basically on registration or period validation)
Online scheme connects to the service on each launch.
Offline scheme does not connect to the service.
If the service shuts down due to some reasons of course the Online mode first will start waiting until the service is fixed and running. Because of that we implemented different licensing modes and you can select more preferable for you depending on your risks and needs.
Anyway we track our service using host tracker services and we receive notifications fast. Main server is located in Germany and works fine already 3 years. Uptime is 99.99%.
Whole service works good since 2006 (previously we used US servers, but moved into fastest hardware for the same price).
Up to now we did not have any thoughts about shutting the service down but we will definitely implement some stub to support current licenses in this case.
If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to ask them from our contact form.