This function returns available product's updates.
It returns only actual updates, from current product version and to current date without future versions which can be present on control panel.
Function uses cache and can connect to services once per week, on other calls it returns cached results to reduce load for the service.

You can add new product versions in the control panel. Do not forget to specify current product version during protection

Public Shared Function CheckForUpdates( ByRef productUpdates As LocalProductUpdateInfo(), ByRef responseMessage As String) As ClientCheckUpdatesResponseCode

no input parameters.

Return value
Returns status of updates via ClientCheckUpdatesResponseCode enum;
Returns status of updates via output parameter responseMessage in string;
Returns product updates via output array productUpdates in LocalProductUpdateInfo class

Library: ItpLibraryNetClient
File: ItpLibraryNetWrapper.cs
Namespace: ItpLibraryNetClient;

Private Sub btnCheckUpdates_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCheckUpdates.Click
    Dim productUpdates As LocalProductUpdateInfo() = Nothing
    Dim responseMessage As String = String.Empty
    Dim responseCode As ClientCheckUpdatesResponseCode = ItpLibraryNetWrapper.CheckForUpdates(productUpdates, responseMessage)
    If ((responseCode <> ClientCheckUpdatesResponseCode.Ok) AndAlso (responseCode <> ClientCheckUpdatesResponseCode.OkButCache)) Then
    End If
    If ((productUpdates Is Nothing) OrElse (productUpdates.Length = 0)) Then
        MessageBox.Show("No updates available")
    End If
    Using updatesForm As ProductUpdatesForm = New ProductUpdatesForm(productUpdates)
    End Using
End Sub
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