This function is designed for activation process by e-mail. It creates activation request certificate (into filePathName) which should be sent into our automatic e-mail processing address. The service sends activation response certificate in reply

Public Shared Function CreateActivationRequestCertificate(filePathName As String) As ClientActivationRequestResponseCode

String filePathName - file name where request certificate will be stored.

Return value
Returns the status of operation via ClientActivationRequestResponseCode enum.

File: ItpLibraryNetWrapper.vb
Namespace: ItpLibraryNetClient;

Private Sub btnSaveCertificate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSaveCertificate.Click
    Using saveFileDialog As SaveFileDialog = FileDialogs.CreateSaveFileDialog(_certificateName)
        If saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then
        End If
        Dim responseCode As ClientActivationRequestResponseCode = ItpLibraryNetWrapper.CreateActivationRequestCertificate(saveFileDialog.FileName)
        MessageBox.Show(responseCode.ToString(), Text)
    End Using
End Sub
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