This function extends the expiration period of the license code by the renewal code.

Public Shared Function RenewLicenseCode(renewalCode As String, licenseCode As String) As ClientRenewalResponseCode

String licenseCode - Buffer for the license code.
String renewalCode - Buffer for the renewal code.

Return value
Returns status of the software renewal via ClientRenewalResponseCode enum.

File: ItpLibraryNetWrapper.vb
Namespace: ItpLibraryNetClient;

Private Sub btnRenew_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRenew.Click
    Dim licenseCode As String = tbLicenseCode.Text.Trim()
    Dim renewalCode As String = tbRenewalCode.Text.Trim()
    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(licenseCode) Then
        MessageBox.Show("Please specify renewal code and license code you plan to renew")
    End If
    Dim responseCode As ClientRenewalResponseCode = ItpLibraryNetWrapper.RenewLicenseCode(renewalCode, licenseCode)
    MessageBox.Show(responseCode.ToString(), Text)
End Sub
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