E-junkie provides shopping cart and buy now buttons to let you sell downloads and tangible goods on your website, eBay, MySpace, Google Base, CraigsList and other websites using PayPal Standard, PayPal Pro, Google Checkout, Authorize.Net, TrialPay, ClickBank and 2CheckOut.
To configure the IntelliProtector remote license code generator, please, follow the steps below.

1. Log-in Form

Please, log in to E-Junkie control panel

2. Seller home

Add new or edit existing product

3. Product List

Select product and click Edit button

4. Product Configuration (Part 1)

Set the 'Send generated codes' flag

5. Product Configuration (Part 2)

  1. Copy a link to the license code generator (web control panel)
  2. Paste the link into the 'Code Generator URL' field
  3. Click Next button

6. Product Configuration (Part 3)

Place the Buy Now button on your product home page

Buyer will receive the license code by e-mail

Copyright 2006 - 2025 by IntelliProtector - Software Protection and Licensing Services